Logo blanco Restaurante Panthera Madrid

Política de datos – English

Data policy


Your data privacy at Panthera

In order to use Panthera, it is necessary for users to provide the company with certain personal data. Our privacy policy describes how Panthera collects and uses your personal data. Updates to this version of the Privacy Policy reflect changes in data protection law. In addition, we have made every effort to make this Privacy Policy clearer and more understandable.

What is personal data?

According to the regulations in force, personal data is understood to be information that directly or indirectly identifies a natural person. Information that has been pseudonymised, dissociated or aggregated and therefore does not allow a natural person to be identified is not considered personal data.

Responsible for the processing of personal data

All comments, queries and requests regarding our use of your information are welcome and should be addressed to Trakatra Proyectos Hosteleros S.A., Calle Miguel Ángel, Nº 21, C.P. 28010, Madrid, Spain, or by e-mail to datos@pantheramadrid.com.

Personal data we collect

It is important for you to know that we only collect data when you use our platform or linked services. This data is provided by you, so that we can offer you our service:

  • Name and surname
  • e-mail
  • Telephone

Data that we collect automatically for the proper functioning of our platform:

  • IP address from which you have connected to our website
  • Device from which you have connected to En Copa de Balón
  • Interactions on our website, such as whether you have visited a section of our website.
  • Page views statistics
  • Origin of your first visit
  • Geolocation data of postal addresses

Regarding the cookies we store in your browser, you can find all the information on this page.

Use of personal data

While you are using Panthera’s services we will try to improve your user experience on our website, resolve any type of incident as quickly as possible. Once you request the deletion of data from Panthera (see below) your personal data will be dissociated from your person; this means that no one will be able to identify you with the data that remains in our systems. This dissociated information that we will keep will be used for statistical and/or commercial purposes by Panthera. Pantheramadrid.com guarantees that it has adopted the appropriate security measures in its facilities, systems and files. Panthera also guarantees the confidentiality of your personal data and that they will not be disclosed to third parties without your knowledge. Nevertheless, Panthera will disclose to the competent public authorities the personal data and any other information in its possession or accessible through its systems and required in accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions.

What you can do with your personal data

  • You can unsubscribe from our email offers by sending an email to datos@pantheramadrid.com.
  • You can ask us for a copy of the personal data we have stored in Panthera Send an email to datos@pantheramadrid.com indicating that you want a copy of your personal data. For security reasons we will have to validate the identity of the applicant, for this you will have to send us the email requesting the data from the SAME email account with which you contacted Panthera. We will send you the requested information in less than 30 days as stipulated by current legislation.
  • You can delete your personal data. To do so, you will have to unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to datos@pantheramadrid.com. This data will be deleted and can no longer be recovered.

How we share your data

At Panthera we have to send some of your personal data to other companies in order to offer you our service. Please refer to the table below to see how we process your personal data.

Name and surnameOur CRM tool needs the data to be able to send you emails with the best offers.
Name and surnameOur customer service tool needs the data to manage the incidents you send us by email to datos@pantheramadrid.com.
e-mailOur CRM tool needs the data to be able to send you emails with the best offers and news.
e-mailOur customer service tool needs the data to manage the incidents you send us by email to datos@pantheramadrid.com.
TelephoneOur CRM tool needs the data to be able to send you notifications to your mobile phone, either push or SMSs of offers and news of your interest.
TelephoneOur customer service tool needs the data to manage the incidents you send us by email to datos@pantheramadrid.com.
IP addressWe use this data to detect fraud or behaviour that does not comply with our terms and conditions.

How long do we retain your data?

Tus datos personales han de permanecer en nuestros sistemas el tiempo que sea necesario para poder ofrecerte nuestro servicio, durante el tiempo necesario para cumplir con todas las obligaciones legales necesarias para ofrecer nuestro servicio y durante el tiempo necesario para poder cumplir con cualquier requisito legal que se anteponga a Panthera Madrid. De todos modos la duración de la retención de los datos varía en función del contexto del servicio que ofrecemos o de las obligaciones legales a las que estamos sometidos. Por ejemplo los siguientes casos pueden modificar la retención de datos : – Mantener y mejorar el rendimiento de nuestros productos manteniendo los sistemas seguros y optimizados. Una vez solicites el borrado de datos de Panthera tus datos personales serán disociados de tu persona; eso significa que nadie podrá identificarte con los datos que queden en nuestros sistemas. Esa información disociada que conservaremos, se utilizará con fines estadísticos y/o comerciales por parte de Panthera.

Data security

We take measures to protect your personal data against unauthorised access and unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage.

Política de devoluciones y reembolsos

Puedes consultar nuestra política de devoluciones y reembolsos aquí.